Friday, November 21, 2008

That God's a Funny Guy!

Do you ever wonder what God is thinking as He watches you?

I do.

In fact, my wondering about that has prompted me to be in continual dialogue with Him throughout the day, throwing out statements, asking Him questions & sharing personal jokes with Him...ya know, just so He and I are (hopefully) both on the same page... and also to clarify in case at any time He is hanging His head, shaking it slowly, thinking, what the heck is she doing...I mean, I know He already knows and all... but just in case...

I do believe that if we want to be in deep personal relationship with Him (which is what He wants us to want), we must engage Him in the same banter that we would share with our dearest loved ones on earth...yet still mixed with a healthy amount of reverence and a slight dose of fear.

I just have to believe that God has a sense of humor since, first of all, He created it and second, how would He put up with us otherwise????

I mean, I ask for things, then when I get them I'm still complaining & wanting more!
A prime example:
I prayed to get pregnant. Let me clarify...asked, pleaded, begged with relentless pursuit.

When God answered that prayer I guess He decided to show me what all that beggin' could get a girl: twins with all the trimmings! Double the weight gain, double the elbows and knees in the bladder... Did I mention the stretch marks? Mercy! Don't you even think I could breast feed at the mall by throwing a blanket over us!!

Now, please don't mistake my thoughts for one second as my making light of it. TRULY the conception, pregnancy, and delivery of my little angels was nothing short of a miracle and I don't take one ounce of that for granted. But I am sure God got a good laugh as He watched me doubt His plans for my life knowing what He had in store for me!

What did I learn from all of that? Well, it was the ultimate lesson in "God is in control" and it's all gonna happen in his time, not mine...

Yes, in this one and oh, so much more of my life, God got the last laugh!

Question: In what ways do you think you make God chuckle as He lovingly gazes down on you?

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