Monday, December 1, 2008

To Be The Star That Shone Upon You

What would it have been like to have been there? To be part of the birth of Jesus..the magic...the miracle....

In my wondering of that very question, I wrote this a few years ago...
May the miracle of the birth of the Christ child dwell in your hearts this Christmas and throughout the New Year.

Oh, to be the star that shone upon you,
Or the straw beneath your skin,
The blanket wrapped around you,
Or the manger you were in;

The air that swirled around you
On that ancient, silent night,
To somehow, somewhere be there,
What must it have been like?

Was your every cry like music?
Was your breath like golden thread?
Your pillow like a throne
For Your Majesty’s sweet head?

Or did they even notice
In the silence of the night,
That all had changed forever
As heaven came to life?

Did they realize the magnitude
Of all that your life meant?
The birth, the death, the resurrection,
And finally the ascent;

That all of this was given
That sweet night in Bethlehem,
Because our God so loved the world
That we were given Him.

-A. McCool 11/04

Question: What would it have been like to have been there? Would you have liked to have been part of that night that changed the world forever? Why?

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