Monday, November 17, 2008

My Husband IS the Diamond

The other day I heard a commercial on the radio for a jeweler. They were advertising some special where you could come in and get some great big sparkly diamond for a great price...

or could UPGRADE.

Then they went on to talk about how you may have gotten a tiny little (sounded almost dull and yucky) diamond when you first got married and you could come and trade it in (!) and get a newer, better, bigger, sparklier version.

Of course, they romanticized all of the benefits and reasons for doing that.

I had never really thought about that before.

My diamond isn't very big. And I know that even though my beloved had to save for it, it wasn't really that expensive as far as diamond engagement rings go.

Then this thought popped in my head:

My husband IS the diamond!

Ok, stop rolling your eyes! I am serious!

MY diamond walks in at 5:30 every day. MY diamond puts up with me even when I am not nice. MY diamond does the laundry. MY diamond eats what I cook (even when it stinks!) without complaining, whether it is fish sticks or Fillet Mignon. MY diamond isn't show-y. He is quiet, strong, subtle, loyal, smart, wonderful...a gift from God and truly my soul mate.

So when I got home from that car ride where I heard that commercial, I went into the bathroom and wrote on his mirror with a dry-erase marker, "My husband IS the diamond". Later when I told him the story, I swear he didn't have a dry eye...

Maybe with our men just like our jewelry, some of us have gotten in just too big a hurry to up-grade. (Some of us, however, should have upgraded sooner!!) Maybe we need to consider all that is wonderful about our men...even if they seem a little more like a "diamond in the rough" than a "polished gemstone".

Question: What do you most appreciate about your husband? Tell him!!

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